Candidate Selection – Building a Better Board

The strength of a board is comprised of its individual members. This workshop provides insight into the overarching principles of board candidacy and membership. Learn what it takes to be an effective co-op leader in this time of growth and change in the sector.

This workshop covers the following:

  • an overview of co-op principles
  • organizational structure of a co-op board
  • keys to being an effective co-op leader
  • the co-operative decision-making model
  • the roles and responsibilities on a board
  • an overview of the democratic election process

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Effective Time Management

The world seems to be speeding up. How do we keep things straight? It’s hard to know what takes priority. Managing your time has become more important than ever. Consider applying some of the best tried and true best practices for optimum time management in your busy day.

This workshop covers the following:

  • principles of time management
  • planning your time and energy
  • strategies for effective time management
  • managing timelines with projects and initiatives

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

The Business of Being a Co-op Board

Good governance is the cornerstone of a successful co-op. When we don’t get governance right, we put everything at risk. But what does governance mean? How can Boards of Directors provide strategic and principled leadership in their co-op?

In this workshop, we won’t talk about the day-to-day work of being a board member. Instead, we’ll learn about the personal rewards and value of providing principled leadership, what governance is and how to get it right.

This workshop covers the following:

  • governance vs. management in your co-op
  • the good governance test
  • creating organizational structures that work
  • addressing the barriers to good governance
  • electing good directors
  • succeeding as a director and board member
  • effective members’ meetings
  • the role of the chair
  • diversity, inclusion, harassment and bullying in the co-op setting

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality

Your co-op’s board members and managers make decisions on a daily basis that are impacted by conflict of interest and confidentiality issues. Ever more important, these considerations play out in such operational processes as member and candidate selection, eviction, tendering, etc. Ensure individuals involved in these processes know their rights, responsibilities and obligations.

This workshop covers the following:

  • standards for confidentiality in a co-op setting
  • negotiating the tendering process
  • conflict of interest in co-op by-laws
  • ethical board conduct
  • addressing membership and staff inquiries

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Critical Decision-Making for Co-ops

Moving through important decisions in a group setting can be challenging process. Explore opportunities to approach problems with considerations for emotion, logic, history and consensus. Take the heat out of argument by cutting through to what matters to members and what generates the best outcome for all involved. You will be able to put these skills into practice immediately!

This workshop covers the following:

  • navigating the decision making process
  • methods of problem-solving that work
  • group dynamics in democratic decision-making
  • best practices for problem-solving

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Chairing Effective Meetings

This newly updated workshop will provide participants with more information to improve Board and GMMs. With a focus on process and best practice, you will be able to utilize this knowledge back at your co-op and see immediate results in more effective and efficient meetings.

This workshop covers the following:

  • meetings that support co-operative principles
  • a review role of the chair
  • an overview of professional meeting protocol
  • best practices for optimum time management
  • setting agendas that work
  • managing group dynamics in a co-op meeting setting
  • effective board meeting minutes

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.