Who We Are

Peel/Halton Co-operative Housing Federation (PHCHF) is a co-operative association made up of member housing co-ops and related organizations in the Peel/Halton area.

Members send delegates to federation meetings to represent their co-op, and elect (or run for) the board of directors at the annual general meeting.

You can represent the interests of your members by adding your co-op’s voice to the co-operative housing movement. Our strength and longevity have endured because co-ops have joined together to create a strong federation, and we invite you to join us.

PHCHF is financed by annual membership dues, fees for services, and revenue shared by CHF Canada.

PHCHF is managed by a seven-member volunteer Board of Directors – from member housing co-ops within the catchment area. PHCHF currently employs one staff person.

Understanding Your Local Federation

Click here to view a two-page PDF flyer explaining who we are and what we do.

Memorandum of Co-operation

This memorandum of co-operation was signed on June 8, 2018, by the Executive Directors of the five Ontario co-op housing federations and CHF Canada.