End of Mortgage Webinar – Staff and Managers

Wednesday October 18, 2023
1:30pm to 3:30pm

Calling all co-op staff and property management company staff in our Housing Services Act (HSA) co-ops. As you know, your co-op, administered by municipal service managers, is governed by the HSA and its regulations. Regulation changes were introduced in March 2022 to establish a path forward for HSA co-ops as they reach their end of mortgage. This fall, CHF Canada is hosting two webinars highlighting the latest information to help you and your co-op prepare to negotiate with your service manager. Every HSA co-op needs to make plans for its future, and CHF Canada and Ontario’s regional federations are committed to helping co-ops through the process. These webinars are part of this support. Come find out what you need to know to ensure your co-op’s success.

Topics include:
Planning; Financial Plans and the EOM budget; 10-year agreements; Getting the reports your co-op needs; Service Agreement best practices and key considerations.