The Basics of Co-operative Financial Processes
This workshop is a must for new board members and a great review for long time members. A comprehensive introduction to the basics of the planning, forecasting and budgeting processes to ensure the viability of your co-op. Workshop attendees will find that the emphasis on real life examples will allow them to be an active and valuable participant in their very next board meeting.
This workshop covers the following:
- reading financial statements
- reducing risk through sound internal control processes and procedures
- managing arrears and vacancy loss
- setting co-op budgets
- planning and forecasting your co-op’s financial picture
- preparing for a financial audit
- your co-op’s fiduciary responsibility – rights and obligations
Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.