Best Practices for Co-op Unit Inspections

Performing unit inspections provides a valuable opportunity to ensure safety, security and comfort for co-op residents. Taking a needs based approach, this workshop provides participants with an overview of the most effective, efficient and compliant processes for conducting various unit inspections. Save time and money with your newly acquired knowledge.

This workshop covers the following:

  • conducting inspections in a co-op setting
  • matching unit inspection types to the needs/requirements
  • selecting qualified and skilled trades people
  • reporting process for inspections
  • managing safety and security during inspection
  • procedures for move-in/out of units

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Emergency Preparedness for Your Co-op

What does it take to be prepared for any emergency at your co-op? Preparation and planning is the key to managing risks in times of crisis. Reduce your co-op’s financial and legal exposure with this informative session.

This workshop covers the following:

  • designing your co-op’s emergency plan
  • disaster preparedness and readiness
  • planning for community safety and security issues
  • financial controls and financial preparation for emergency preparedness
  • ensuring safety compliance in the contract tendering process
  • roles and responsibilities of the board and members

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Dealing with Difficult Members

While conflict is a normal part of everyday life, it can be debilitating when it leads to communication breakdown. What do you do when you run out of options? And how can you avoid getting there in the first place? Explore new pathways to addressing conflict in this interactive session. Walk away with tips and hints for ways to manage conflict in your own life and to reduce the likelihood of conflict escalation in your co-op environment.

This workshop covers the following:

  • understanding the origins of conflict in a co-op setting
  • overview of conflict resolution process
  • utilizing active listening skills in business communication
  • rights and responsibilities of the board and members
  • communicating difficult messages

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Preparing for the End of the Operating Agreement

What will you do at the end of the current operating agreement? Over the coming 10 years, more than half of all co-ops will come to the end of their operating agreement. Communication and planning become increasingly important as your co-op moves through this process. What’s next? Explore the options and possibilities in this interactive workshops session.

This workshop covers the following:

  • rights, by-laws and options for co-ops without agreements
  • planning the communication process
  • financial preparation for co-operative ownership
  • working with your co-op federation partner

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Aging Together: Canada’s Growing Demographic

The vast majority of Canadians plan to “age in place”. They would prefer to stay in their homes as long as possible before making the transition to assisted living. This population will need additional support and resources as they age. It’s time to address this growing demographic and plan for your co-op’s aging population. This informative session will equip you with the knowledge and awareness required to support the aging community in your co-op.

This workshop covers the following:

  • planning for the aging co-op membership
  • considerations for new member integration
  • inclusion and special needs considerations for mobility
  • living independently in a co-op setting
  • transitioning to eldercare housing
  • rights and responsibilities of the co-op board and members
  • available resources and funding opportunities

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Strategic Planning for Your Co-op’s Future

“What gets planned gets accomplished.” Learn to set strategic goals that make a difference in your co-op. Set “goalposts” or milestones to maintain momentum and ensure buy-in from people along the way. Explore methods and tools that work for project planning for short and long term goals in a community setting.

This workshop covers the following:

  • strategic planning principles
  • community-minded goal setting
  • overview of project planning for short and long-term goals

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Meaningful Member Involvement

Managing Projects, Initiatives & Events at Your Co-op

The co-operative housing sector has moved beyond the traditional committee structure. Members in co-ops are able to make valuable and wide-reaching contributions through projects, initiatives and events that drive progress and result in a greater level of satisfaction and enjoyment for co-op members.

Learn the fundamentals of organizing and project planning to ensure success for your co-op’s next special events, marketing initiative or community program. Explore how you can make a lasting contribution to your co-op with this informative workshop.

This workshop covers the following:

  • organizational structure of a co-operative
  • rights and responsibilities of membership
  • organizing initiatives that support your co-op’s strategic goals
  • creating initiatives that instill pride in your co-op
  • leveraging projects and events to demonstrate the co-op principles

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Understanding Mental Health

One in four Canadians will be touched by mental illness in their lifetimes. There is such a range of experiences and conditions for people dealing with mental illness in the daily lives. Participants will benefit from an overview of current issues, legislation and approaches to supporting people with mental illness.

This workshop covers the following:

  • overview of mental illness in Canada
  • addressing hoarding and other conditions in the co-op setting
  • diversity and inclusion considerations
  • ensuring safety and sensitivity
  • addressing an issue: rights and responsibilities for co-ops and members

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Critical Decision-Making for Co-ops

Moving through important decisions in a group setting can be challenging process. Explore opportunities to approach problems with considerations for emotion, logic, history and consensus. Take the heat out of argument by cutting through to what matters to members and what generates the best outcome for all involved. You will be able to put these skills into practice immediately!

This workshop covers the following:

  • navigating the decision making process
  • methods of problem-solving that work
  • group dynamics in democratic decision-making
  • best practices for problem-solving

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.

Chairing Effective Meetings

This newly updated workshop will provide participants with more information to improve Board and GMMs. With a focus on process and best practice, you will be able to utilize this knowledge back at your co-op and see immediate results in more effective and efficient meetings.

This workshop covers the following:

  • meetings that support co-operative principles
  • a review role of the chair
  • an overview of professional meeting protocol
  • best practices for optimum time management
  • setting agendas that work
  • managing group dynamics in a co-op meeting setting
  • effective board meeting minutes

Once you have registered for this workshop, please come back and CLICK HERE to download your free Workshop Announcement notice courtesy of PHCHF. You can fill out this form online, save it and then print off as many copies as required to announce this workshop to your membership.